Lorette studied for her Bachelor of Applied Arts in Journalism at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario. Today she writes mostly small fictions and prose poetry, usually about art, and sometimes about food. She merged her passions for art, art history, poetry, and writing when she founded The Ekphrastic Review, the premier journal of ekphrasis, in 2015. She teaches creative writing and art appreciation in a variety of settings, and has been also been a guest workshop leader for numerous writing groups, universities, literary festivals, and beyond.
Bachelor of Applied Arts in Journalism, Ryerson University
Founder and Editor: The Ekphrastic Review: a journal of literature inspired by visual art (since 2015)
The Mackinaw: a journal of prose poetry (since 2024)
Column: Eat. Play. Rove., Good Food Revolution
past: Wine and Art, Good Food Revolution
Writing Nominations and Awards
6 Pushcart Prize nominations
8 Best of the Net nominations
7 Best American Food Writing nominations
4 Best Small Fictions nominations
3 Best Microfiction nominations
First place, "The Neon Raven," flash fiction, MacQueen's Quinterly contest, October 2020
Best Small Fictions 2023, "The Triaminic Man," published in and nominated by MacQueen's Quinterly
Best Small Fictions 2024, "The Oomancer," published in and nominated by Litro Magazine
Ontario Arts Council Grant, 2022, for a collection of ekphrastic stories that turned into The Neon Rosary and The Rope Artist.
Ontario Arts Council Grant, 2024, for a collection of ekphrastic stories on the experience of illness, work in progress, Disgust
Bachelor of Applied Arts in Journalism, Ryerson University
Founder and Editor: The Ekphrastic Review: a journal of literature inspired by visual art (since 2015)
The Mackinaw: a journal of prose poetry (since 2024)
Column: Eat. Play. Rove., Good Food Revolution
past: Wine and Art, Good Food Revolution
Writing Nominations and Awards
6 Pushcart Prize nominations
8 Best of the Net nominations
7 Best American Food Writing nominations
4 Best Small Fictions nominations
3 Best Microfiction nominations
First place, "The Neon Raven," flash fiction, MacQueen's Quinterly contest, October 2020
Best Small Fictions 2023, "The Triaminic Man," published in and nominated by MacQueen's Quinterly
Best Small Fictions 2024, "The Oomancer," published in and nominated by Litro Magazine
Ontario Arts Council Grant, 2022, for a collection of ekphrastic stories that turned into The Neon Rosary and The Rope Artist.
Ontario Arts Council Grant, 2024, for a collection of ekphrastic stories on the experience of illness, work in progress, Disgust
Prose Poetry and Flash Fiction
Creative Nonfiction
Anthologies (contributor)
Visual Art, with Other Writers
Short Fiction
Editor, Anthologies
Online or Digital Publications
36 Views of Ononta'kahrhon, 50 Give or Take, Art Nectar, ArtAscent, A Quiet Courage, A Story in 100 Words, Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, Bending Genres, Axon (Australia), Backwards Trajectory, Bending Genres, Bird Seed, Black Coffee Review, Black Napkin Press, Blacktop Passages, Blue Pepper, Book Slut, The Breath, Brick Book Reviews, Bright Flash Review, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Broken City Magazine, Cabinet of Heed, Cahoots Magazine, Canada Free Press, Canoe.ca, Cargo Literary, City River Tree, Cleaver Magazine, Club Plum, Communicators League (Nigeria), Cultural Weekly Los Angeles, Dark Lit, Degenerate Literature, The Dillydoun Review, The Disappointed Housewife, Donut Factory, Dropout Literary Review, The Ekphrastic Review, Emerge Literary Journal, Eunoia Review, Everyday Fiction, Everyday Poetry, Fatal Flaw, Feed Magazine, Flash Boulevard, Flash Fiction Friday, Flash Fiction North, Free the Animal, Free Flash Fiction, Ghost Parachute, Good Food Revolution, Gremolata, Gyroscope, Halfway Down the Stairs, Hare's Lip, Heart of Flesh, Hole in the Head Review, HOOD, Idea Museum, Idea Factory, Indelible (Dubai), Ilanot Review (Israel), Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees, JMWW, Journal of Radical Wonder, KYSO Flash, Land Luck Journal, Last Leaves, Litro, Lothlorien, LossLit, MacQueen's Quinterly, the Mantle, Microfiction Mondays Magazine, the Miramichi Reader, Misfit Magazine, Mood Disorders Association of Ontario, New Flash Fiction Review, New World Writing, Nine Muses Poetry, Open Book Toronto, Out Impact, Pacific Poetry, Paleo Garden, Page and Spine, Patheos, Peacock Journal, Plane Tree Journal, Poetry Canada, Poetry Reviews, the Poet's Haven, Poetry Pacific, Potato Soup Journal, Pound of Flash, Queen of Cups, Red Coral Grotto, Red Eft, Rune Bear Weekly, Rye Whiskey Review, Scapegoat Journal, Six Sentences, Sledgehammer, South Florida Poetry Journal, South Shore Review, Star 82, Sublime Rush Magazine, Taxicab Mag, Thimble, Third Wednesday, Today’s Toronto, Touched By Fire, Toronto Psychotherapist, Trampset, Trouvaille Review, Unbroken Journal, Unlikely Stories, United Church’s Wonder Café, Unreasonable Faith, Uppagaus, The Violet Hour, Visitant Lit, Voice and Verse (Hong Kong), Wayward Literature, Wild Word, Women Can Do Anything, Working Ergonomics, Workman Arts Ledger
Print Publications
Academy Magazine, About Such Things, Adbusters, Amber, American Poets and Poetry, Anthology, Aphrodite Gone Berserk, Arachne, The Archer, ArtAscent, Backspace, Bad Monkey, Black Cat 115, Blood and Aphorisms, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Brownstone Review, Calliope, Canadian Woman’s Studies Journal, Caffeine, Canadian Baptist, Candlelight Poetry Journal, Canned Phlegm, the Complete Woman, Compost Newsletter, The Conscience, The Core, Damaged Goods, Decision Magazine, Diviners, Dog Fancy, Donut Factory, Dusk Till Dawn, Dwan, Even the Kitchen Sink, Erbacce, Eye Weekly, Ever Dancing Muse, the Eyeopener, the Fiddlehead, Filling Station, Fledgling, Fox Poetry Box, Geez Magazine, Gotta Write, Grain Magazine, Hecate’s Loom, Hook and Ladder, illiterature: a journal of found poetry, I Love Cats, In Hell’s Belly, Ink Magazine, In Q Magazine, Jones Avenue, Kairos, Labour of Love, Listen Magazine, Listening Eye, Love Never Fails, Maelstrom Journal, Main Street Rag, McClung’s Magazine, Melting Trees Review, Mind Purge, Minus Tides Magazine, Modern Poetry, Muse of Fire, Nada, Niagara Advance, Ninth Wave, Novella, Oh! Magazine, off our backs, Other Voices, the Outreach, the Outrider, Papyrus, the People’s Poet, Phoebe, Poet’s Page, Poetry Motel, Prairie Winds, Procreation, Q-Age, Quarry Magazine, the Quilliad, Quota, Rattle, Red Booth Review, Rhig Magazine, the Ryersonian, Sidewalks, Siren: Toronto’s Lesbian Newspaper, Siren: a Vancouver Arts Journal, Slinky, Spillway, Still Starving, Stovepipe, Syncopated City, Teen Quest, Tight, Time For Rhyme, Transforum, Transition, Twilight Ending, Unbroken, untethered, Urban Graffiti, Venue Magazine, Voice and Verse Poetry (Hong Kong), What a Magazine!, Whatever Vaughan Magazine, White Wall Review, Writer’s Journal, Writer’s Ink, Write On, Writing For Our Lives, Wyrd, X-tra Newspaper, Yet Another Small Magazine, Young Ambassador, Zygote
Around the World: Landscapes and Cityscapes, edited by Steve Carr, Sweetycat Books
Burning Ambitions: the Anthology of Short-Shorts, Rush Hour Revisions, edited by Debbie James
The Cold Floors of Unkindness, edited by Betsy Mars, Kingly Street Press
Duets, an Anthology of Conversations Between Art and Artists, Lulu Books, edited by Amy Marques
Earth Hymn, edited by Clare MacQueen, KYSO Flash Editions
Fantastic Imaginary Creatures, Madville Publishing, edited by Gerry LaFemina
Group of Seven Reimagined, Heritage House Editions, edited by Karen Schauber
Is It Hot In Here or Is It Just Me?, edited by Janette Schafer, Beautiful Cadaver Projects
Listening to the Birth of Crystals, the People's Poet Publishing
Love Like Salt, edited by Amy Byrne, Like This Press
On the Fly: Stories in Eight Minutes or Less , Lit Star Collective, intro by Ariel Gore
The People's Poet Anthology 2, the People's Poet Publishing
Pixie Dust and All Things Magical, edited by Anita Nahal, AuthorsPress
The Plague Papers, edited by Robbi Nester (Poemeleon Journal)
Shift: Positions- Thoughts on the Future of Design, OCAD Student Press, intro by Ed Burtynsky
Stained, edited by Rachel Neve Midbar, pending
Storm Cycle, edited by A.J. Huffman and April Salzano, Kind of a Hurricane Press,
Take My Word For It, edited by Ingrid Shelton, David C. Cook Publishing
This Will Only Take a Minute: Canadian Flash Fiction, edited by Bruce Meyer and Michael Mirolla, Guernica Editions
Unsheathed, edited by Betsy Mars, Kingly Street Press
Ventriloquy: Pandemic Evolution, Sheila Na Gig Editions
Best Microfiction, "The Rope Artist," nominated by The Ilanot Review
Best Microfiction, "Darker," nominated by Flash Boulevard
Best Microfiction, "The Bird Man," nominated by Flash Boulevard
Best Small Fictions, "Chickens, Chickens, Everywhere," nominated by Flash Boulevard
Best Small Fictions, "The Triaminic Man," nominated by MacQueen's Quinterly (selected, 2023)
Best Small Fictions, "Clean," nominated by MacQueen's Quinterly
Best Small Fictions, "The Oomancer," by Litro (selected, 2024)
Best of the Net, "Blood," nominated by Litro
Best of the Net, "Fresh Strawberries," nominated by MacQueen's Quinterly, finalist
Best of the Net, "August and Everything Before," nominated by Pound of Flash, Kind of a Hurricane Press
Best of the Net, Blue and Gold for Ukraine, artwork, nominated by MacQueen's Quinterly
Best of the Net, Mr. Pig, artwork, nominated by Does It Have Pockets
Best of the Net, "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Nighthawk," nominated by Synchronized Chaos
Best of the Net, "Patience, and Other Virtues That I Lack," nominated by MacQueen's Quinterly
Pushcart Prize, "The Divine Leper," nominated by Bright Flash Review
Pushcart Prize, "Promiscuity," nominated by Macqueen's Quinterly
Pushcart Prize, "The Paper Dark," nominated by Karen Schauber, editor, The Group of Seven Reimagined (Heritage Books)
Pushcart Prize, "Fresh Strawberries," nominated by MacQueen's Quinterly
Pushcart Prize, "Divorced Eggs," nominated by Last Leaves
Pushcart Prize, "The Archipelago," nominated by Centaur Lit
Best American Food Writing, "What Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?" nominated by Good Food Revolution
Best American Food Writing, "A Century or More of Banana Scandals," nominated by Good Food Revolution
Best American Food Writing, "Blue Velvet: in Defence of the Blue Veined Cheeses," nominated by Good Food Revolution
Best American Food Writing, "Pop Goes the World: the Chewing Gum Story," nominated by Good Food Revolution
Best American Food Writing, "Remember the Lemon," nominated by Good Food Revolution
Best American Food Writing, "Octopus: Alien on My Plate," nominated by Good Food Revolution
Best American Food Writing, "Hooray for Pumpkin Pie," nominated by Good Food Revolution
The Rope Artist
One Hallelujah at a Time: Clare MacQueen, at MacQueen's Quinterly
Winter in June
The Miramichi Reader- review by Bill Arnott
Amazon Reader Review- Alarie Tennille
Goodreads- Review by Rose Mary Boehm
Creative Writing at Leicester- Jonathan Taylor (excerpt)
Queen of Ekphrasis- MacQueen's Quinterly
Pretty Time Machine
Click here for a review by Bill Arnott at League of Canadian Poets.
Click here for a review by poet Alarie Tennille.
Click here for Jenene Ravesloot's review.
Click here for two poems, and Mary McCarthy's review at Blue Heron Review.
Click here to read Kerfe Roig's review at Goodreads.
Click here to read interview with Kyle Laws at Misfit Magazine.
Click here to read Rennie Halstead's review at The Poetry Shed.
Click here to read review at Goodreads by Lizzie Ballagher.
Click here to read interview with Jordan Trethewey at MacQueen's Quinterly.
Click here to read Alan Catlin's review at Misfit Magazine.
Click here to read Donald Brackett's review at Critics at Large.
Click here to read review by Krishan Coupland at Neon Books.
Click here to read review by Emma Lee at The Blue Nib.
Click here to read review by Devon Balwit at South Florida Poetry Review (scroll down).
Click here for reader reviews at Amazon, including Rebecca Weigold, Joan Leotta, Sandi Stromberg, Antony DiMatteo, and more.
36 Views of Ononta'kahrhon, 50 Give or Take, Art Nectar, ArtAscent, A Quiet Courage, A Story in 100 Words, Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, Bending Genres, Axon (Australia), Backwards Trajectory, Bending Genres, Bird Seed, Black Coffee Review, Black Napkin Press, Blacktop Passages, Blue Pepper, Book Slut, The Breath, Brick Book Reviews, Bright Flash Review, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Broken City Magazine, Cabinet of Heed, Cahoots Magazine, Canada Free Press, Canoe.ca, Cargo Literary, City River Tree, Cleaver Magazine, Club Plum, Communicators League (Nigeria), Cultural Weekly Los Angeles, Dark Lit, Degenerate Literature, The Dillydoun Review, The Disappointed Housewife, Donut Factory, Dropout Literary Review, The Ekphrastic Review, Emerge Literary Journal, Eunoia Review, Everyday Fiction, Everyday Poetry, Fatal Flaw, Feed Magazine, Flash Boulevard, Flash Fiction Friday, Flash Fiction North, Free the Animal, Free Flash Fiction, Ghost Parachute, Good Food Revolution, Gremolata, Gyroscope, Halfway Down the Stairs, Hare's Lip, Heart of Flesh, Hole in the Head Review, HOOD, Idea Museum, Idea Factory, Indelible (Dubai), Ilanot Review (Israel), Iranian Railroad for Queer Refugees, JMWW, Journal of Radical Wonder, KYSO Flash, Land Luck Journal, Last Leaves, Litro, Lothlorien, LossLit, MacQueen's Quinterly, the Mantle, Microfiction Mondays Magazine, the Miramichi Reader, Misfit Magazine, Mood Disorders Association of Ontario, New Flash Fiction Review, New World Writing, Nine Muses Poetry, Open Book Toronto, Out Impact, Pacific Poetry, Paleo Garden, Page and Spine, Patheos, Peacock Journal, Plane Tree Journal, Poetry Canada, Poetry Reviews, the Poet's Haven, Poetry Pacific, Potato Soup Journal, Pound of Flash, Queen of Cups, Red Coral Grotto, Red Eft, Rune Bear Weekly, Rye Whiskey Review, Scapegoat Journal, Six Sentences, Sledgehammer, South Florida Poetry Journal, South Shore Review, Star 82, Sublime Rush Magazine, Taxicab Mag, Thimble, Third Wednesday, Today’s Toronto, Touched By Fire, Toronto Psychotherapist, Trampset, Trouvaille Review, Unbroken Journal, Unlikely Stories, United Church’s Wonder Café, Unreasonable Faith, Uppagaus, The Violet Hour, Visitant Lit, Voice and Verse (Hong Kong), Wayward Literature, Wild Word, Women Can Do Anything, Working Ergonomics, Workman Arts Ledger
Print Publications
Academy Magazine, About Such Things, Adbusters, Amber, American Poets and Poetry, Anthology, Aphrodite Gone Berserk, Arachne, The Archer, ArtAscent, Backspace, Bad Monkey, Black Cat 115, Blood and Aphorisms, Brilliant Flash Fiction, Brownstone Review, Calliope, Canadian Woman’s Studies Journal, Caffeine, Canadian Baptist, Candlelight Poetry Journal, Canned Phlegm, the Complete Woman, Compost Newsletter, The Conscience, The Core, Damaged Goods, Decision Magazine, Diviners, Dog Fancy, Donut Factory, Dusk Till Dawn, Dwan, Even the Kitchen Sink, Erbacce, Eye Weekly, Ever Dancing Muse, the Eyeopener, the Fiddlehead, Filling Station, Fledgling, Fox Poetry Box, Geez Magazine, Gotta Write, Grain Magazine, Hecate’s Loom, Hook and Ladder, illiterature: a journal of found poetry, I Love Cats, In Hell’s Belly, Ink Magazine, In Q Magazine, Jones Avenue, Kairos, Labour of Love, Listen Magazine, Listening Eye, Love Never Fails, Maelstrom Journal, Main Street Rag, McClung’s Magazine, Melting Trees Review, Mind Purge, Minus Tides Magazine, Modern Poetry, Muse of Fire, Nada, Niagara Advance, Ninth Wave, Novella, Oh! Magazine, off our backs, Other Voices, the Outreach, the Outrider, Papyrus, the People’s Poet, Phoebe, Poet’s Page, Poetry Motel, Prairie Winds, Procreation, Q-Age, Quarry Magazine, the Quilliad, Quota, Rattle, Red Booth Review, Rhig Magazine, the Ryersonian, Sidewalks, Siren: Toronto’s Lesbian Newspaper, Siren: a Vancouver Arts Journal, Slinky, Spillway, Still Starving, Stovepipe, Syncopated City, Teen Quest, Tight, Time For Rhyme, Transforum, Transition, Twilight Ending, Unbroken, untethered, Urban Graffiti, Venue Magazine, Voice and Verse Poetry (Hong Kong), What a Magazine!, Whatever Vaughan Magazine, White Wall Review, Writer’s Journal, Writer’s Ink, Write On, Writing For Our Lives, Wyrd, X-tra Newspaper, Yet Another Small Magazine, Young Ambassador, Zygote
Around the World: Landscapes and Cityscapes, edited by Steve Carr, Sweetycat Books
Burning Ambitions: the Anthology of Short-Shorts, Rush Hour Revisions, edited by Debbie James
The Cold Floors of Unkindness, edited by Betsy Mars, Kingly Street Press
Duets, an Anthology of Conversations Between Art and Artists, Lulu Books, edited by Amy Marques
Earth Hymn, edited by Clare MacQueen, KYSO Flash Editions
Fantastic Imaginary Creatures, Madville Publishing, edited by Gerry LaFemina
Group of Seven Reimagined, Heritage House Editions, edited by Karen Schauber
Is It Hot In Here or Is It Just Me?, edited by Janette Schafer, Beautiful Cadaver Projects
Listening to the Birth of Crystals, the People's Poet Publishing
Love Like Salt, edited by Amy Byrne, Like This Press
On the Fly: Stories in Eight Minutes or Less , Lit Star Collective, intro by Ariel Gore
The People's Poet Anthology 2, the People's Poet Publishing
Pixie Dust and All Things Magical, edited by Anita Nahal, AuthorsPress
The Plague Papers, edited by Robbi Nester (Poemeleon Journal)
Shift: Positions- Thoughts on the Future of Design, OCAD Student Press, intro by Ed Burtynsky
Stained, edited by Rachel Neve Midbar, pending
Storm Cycle, edited by A.J. Huffman and April Salzano, Kind of a Hurricane Press,
Take My Word For It, edited by Ingrid Shelton, David C. Cook Publishing
This Will Only Take a Minute: Canadian Flash Fiction, edited by Bruce Meyer and Michael Mirolla, Guernica Editions
Unsheathed, edited by Betsy Mars, Kingly Street Press
Ventriloquy: Pandemic Evolution, Sheila Na Gig Editions
Best Microfiction, "The Rope Artist," nominated by The Ilanot Review
Best Microfiction, "Darker," nominated by Flash Boulevard
Best Microfiction, "The Bird Man," nominated by Flash Boulevard
Best Small Fictions, "Chickens, Chickens, Everywhere," nominated by Flash Boulevard
Best Small Fictions, "The Triaminic Man," nominated by MacQueen's Quinterly (selected, 2023)
Best Small Fictions, "Clean," nominated by MacQueen's Quinterly
Best Small Fictions, "The Oomancer," by Litro (selected, 2024)
Best of the Net, "Blood," nominated by Litro
Best of the Net, "Fresh Strawberries," nominated by MacQueen's Quinterly, finalist
Best of the Net, "August and Everything Before," nominated by Pound of Flash, Kind of a Hurricane Press
Best of the Net, Blue and Gold for Ukraine, artwork, nominated by MacQueen's Quinterly
Best of the Net, Mr. Pig, artwork, nominated by Does It Have Pockets
Best of the Net, "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Nighthawk," nominated by Synchronized Chaos
Best of the Net, "Patience, and Other Virtues That I Lack," nominated by MacQueen's Quinterly
Pushcart Prize, "The Divine Leper," nominated by Bright Flash Review
Pushcart Prize, "Promiscuity," nominated by Macqueen's Quinterly
Pushcart Prize, "The Paper Dark," nominated by Karen Schauber, editor, The Group of Seven Reimagined (Heritage Books)
Pushcart Prize, "Fresh Strawberries," nominated by MacQueen's Quinterly
Pushcart Prize, "Divorced Eggs," nominated by Last Leaves
Pushcart Prize, "The Archipelago," nominated by Centaur Lit
Best American Food Writing, "What Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?" nominated by Good Food Revolution
Best American Food Writing, "A Century or More of Banana Scandals," nominated by Good Food Revolution
Best American Food Writing, "Blue Velvet: in Defence of the Blue Veined Cheeses," nominated by Good Food Revolution
Best American Food Writing, "Pop Goes the World: the Chewing Gum Story," nominated by Good Food Revolution
Best American Food Writing, "Remember the Lemon," nominated by Good Food Revolution
Best American Food Writing, "Octopus: Alien on My Plate," nominated by Good Food Revolution
Best American Food Writing, "Hooray for Pumpkin Pie," nominated by Good Food Revolution
The Rope Artist
One Hallelujah at a Time: Clare MacQueen, at MacQueen's Quinterly
Winter in June
The Miramichi Reader- review by Bill Arnott
Amazon Reader Review- Alarie Tennille
Goodreads- Review by Rose Mary Boehm
Creative Writing at Leicester- Jonathan Taylor (excerpt)
Queen of Ekphrasis- MacQueen's Quinterly
Pretty Time Machine
Click here for a review by Bill Arnott at League of Canadian Poets.
Click here for a review by poet Alarie Tennille.
Click here for Jenene Ravesloot's review.
Click here for two poems, and Mary McCarthy's review at Blue Heron Review.
Click here to read Kerfe Roig's review at Goodreads.
Click here to read interview with Kyle Laws at Misfit Magazine.
Click here to read Rennie Halstead's review at The Poetry Shed.
Click here to read review at Goodreads by Lizzie Ballagher.
Click here to read interview with Jordan Trethewey at MacQueen's Quinterly.
Click here to read Alan Catlin's review at Misfit Magazine.
Click here to read Donald Brackett's review at Critics at Large.
Click here to read review by Krishan Coupland at Neon Books.
Click here to read review by Emma Lee at The Blue Nib.
Click here to read review by Devon Balwit at South Florida Poetry Review (scroll down).
Click here for reader reviews at Amazon, including Rebecca Weigold, Joan Leotta, Sandi Stromberg, Antony DiMatteo, and more.